172 | Unit X 165G | Supporting Children with Disabilities / Home-School Connection UNIT 5 Suggestions These support notes are meant to offer general suggestions. They should be considered neither comprehensive, nor label-based. As always, a child’s unique needs drive any curricular accommodations and modifications (as delineated in their individual IEP or 504 plans). Visual-spatial Processing In this unit, Nature, as in many of the others, children are asked to match labeled images to words they hear. Zoom into or enlarge and print images for children to use as resources. Point out the visual cues that are provided for children such as highlighted terms. Help children navigate visual information such as symbol-supported sentences in the vocabulary activity about weather, photo illustrations in “Plants Grow,” and the illustrated sequence of plants growing in the post-reading activity. Memory Assist children with the recall of new terms relating to nature. Before starting activities, remind children to use the word wall or help them make lists of new terms to refer to as they work through the unit. Give children ample opportunities to practice new terms in the context of class conversations. Review and reinforce specific vocabulary that children should practice in conversation. Provide checklists they can use to self-monitor if they have done so. The more children apply new terms in context, the better their recall of those terms will be. Auditory Processing Children with auditory processing details will need extra time and the opportunity to listen again during listening activities. Give children ample time and the ability to repeat audio as needed, especially for reading activities. Give children access to the text to follow along even during first readings. Enable closed captioning during the playing of “The Little Thief.” In this unit, Nature, children learn how to talk about the natural world. Encourage children to share what they learn about nature with their families. Have children make flashcards with new terms to use in conversations at home. Encourage children to sing the songs they learn throughout the unit at home with their families. Send the words to “Rain, Rain, Go Away” and “Happy When It’s Rainy” home with children so that they can practice and share with their families. Tell children to take home and read the poem “Sun Song” with their families. Have children explain to their families where there are examples of rhythm and how the poem includes repetition that creates a beat. Ask children to bring home and present their sunflower paintings to their families. Tell them to share with their families what they learned about Georgia O’Keefe and how much she loved painting things from nature. Children write an informational paragraph in this unit. They can read this aloud at home. Remind children to point out for their families where their topic sentences and facts and details are in their paragraphs. Supporting Children with Disabilities Home-School Connection