Differentiated Instruction Challenge Have students create a word/picture book for the letter m + vowel . Have them draw and label the pictures. Suggest to students that they write the syllable in a different color so that it stands out. High-Frequency Words Write the words es and mi on the board and encourage students to read the words with you. Then write the following sentence on the board and read it aloud pointing to each word: El mono es mi mascota . Have students write es and mi on index cards and add them to their Word Ring. To practice the words, ask them to use the words in a sentence following the pattern of the sentence on the board: es mi . Phonics Reader Before Reading Call on a volunteer to describe the illustration on the cover of the phonics reader. Read aloud the title and the names of the authors and illustrator. Conduct a walkthrough of the book having students look carefully at all the pictures. Then have students discuss the kinds of pets they have in their home and how they feel about them. While Reading Have students echo read each sentence of the story and point out and frame the words with the syllable m + vowel. (mi, Mimí, mía, Memo, mío, amo, mamá, aman, mimo, amiga, amigo, mis, amigos) Also, have them look for sentences with the high- frequency words es and mi . Tell them to use the illustrations to find out the many ways that the family shows their love for their pets. Help guide them through the story by asking comprehension questions such as the following. Read and Complete Words in Context Cuaderno 3, p. 36 Read each sentence aloud and have students follow along in their books. Track the print with your finger or a pointer. Relate each picture to its corresponding word. Point out the distinguishing features of a sentence by identifying the first words of each sentence and explaining that the first letter is always uppercase. Then call on volunteers to take turns reading different sentences aloud. Formsmall groups andhave students practice reading the sentences aloud toeachother. Big Book, p. 6B Read aloud the syllables at the bottom of the page as you track them with your finger. Ask: • ¿Qué diferencia hay entre las sílabas en la primera línea y las de la segunda? (Las sílabas de la primera fila están en mayúscula.) • ¿Qué tienen en común? (Tienen el mismo sonido.) Have students find a word from the story that contains the syllable ma, me, mi, mo, or mu . Then have them identify two words in the story that begin with an uppercase M . (Mimí, Mira) Cuaderno 3, p. 37 Have students complete the words by writing the correct syllable. Remind students that sentences begin with an uppercase letter. Have them use page 36 as a guide if necessary. Lee: Nombre: Fecha: Mimí y su mamá comen en la mesa . Mimí come melón . Su mamá come manzana . Mimí tiene una muñeca y un mono . —¡Mira, mamá! —llama Mimí—. ¡Una mariposa hermosa! Lección 7 · L letr 36 Lección 7 m Leer p l br s y or ciones Comp et : Nombre: Fecha: Mimí y su mamá co me n en la me sa . Mimí co me lón . Su mamá co me nzana . Mimí tiene una ñeca y un no . —¡ Mi ra, mamá !—lla ma Mimí —. ¡Una riposa her mo sa! Lección 7 · L letr La letra m 37 m Leer or ciones y escribir p l br s Cuaderno 3 · La letra m · 25
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