Identify Syllables and Words with m Big Book, p. 6A Display page 6A and read the words, or play the audio, as students look at each word and corresponding picture. Have them identify ma, me, mi, mo, or mu at the beginning or end of the words. Tell students to read the words with you as you point to the pictures and words. Cuaderno 3, p. 34 Ask students what they notice about the words and pictures. (They are the same as the ones on p. 6A.) Reread the words as students follow in their books. Have them point out the syllables with m in each word. Then ask students to work with a classmate to practice reading the words. Word Building Segment Syllables Display the Tarjetas fotográficas for mapa, menú, morado, museo. Point to the “map” photo card, have students say the word, and separate it into syllables. Ask: • ¿Cuántas sílabas hay en mapa ? (dos) • ¿Cuál es la primera sílaba? (ma) • ¿Cuál es la segunda sílaba? (pa) • ¿Qué palabra forman cuando juntan las dos sílabas? (mapa) Repeat these questions with each of the photo cards. Combine Two Syllables to Form Words Write the letters, m, n, a, and o on the board and pronounce each letter. Then build the word mono (monkey). Track the print and elongate the sound of each syllable as you build the word /mooo-noooo/. Then say it naturally. Have students repeat. Next, build the word mano (hand). Erase the syllable mo and replace it with ma . Repeat the procedure. Have students read the words several times. Then have students build other two-syllable words such as meto, moto, mina, and mona. Identific : Nombre: Fecha: mariposa mamá muñeca melón Mimí mono 34 Lección 7 Lección 7 · L letr m Identific r síl b s y p l br s Read and Understand Une: Nombre: Fecha: mariposa mamá muñeca melón Mimí mono Lección 7 · L letr La letra m 35 m Leer y comprender p l br s Cuaderno 3, p. 35 Help students identify each of the pictures on the right. Read aloud each of the words on the left and have students repeat after you. Explain that they need to match each of the words to the correct picture. Model the example for students: La primera palabra es mariposa . Voy a hacer una línea de la palabra hasta el dibujo de la mariposa. Call on students to identify the m + syllable in each of the words. 24 · Lección 7 · Cuaderno 3
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