Review Lessons are provided to monitor progress . Evaluation materials are available online . For the Teacher For the Student Review pages pull together the concepts taught in the preceding lessons . Review and Evaluation Lesson 12 Phonics Review Remind students th t m ny words h ve the letters m, p, t, l, or s t the beginning, the middle, or the end. S y the following words with m : her mo s , ma ripos , mu chos . H ve students identify nd pronounce the syll bles with m . Repe t the process with the other letters: p : pe lot , pi ñ , s po ; t : torta, ta m l, tún ; l : lu n , zul , le ón; s : so p , u vas , sel v . Distinguish Between Sounds and Symbols Cuaderno 3, p. 63, Act. A C ll on volunteers to identify e ch of the pictures. Then h ve students re d the words nd dr w line from e ch word to its picture. Ask students to identify e ch word’s beginning letter nd sound. Answers p to to the duck, l go to the l ke, sop to the soup, mes to the t ble, nd tubo to the tube Cuaderno 3, p. 63, Act. B Ask students: ¿Qué otr s p l br s tienen m, p, t, l o s ? Write few of the words th t students suggest on the bo rd, nd s cl ss review how to divide them into syll bles. Then sk students to re d e ch word in ctivity B, count the syll bles, nd write one syll ble in e ch box. For n extension, h ve students identify the closed syll ble in two of the words. Remind students th t closed syll ble ends in conson nt. ( man z n , tije ras ) Answers m n-z -n (3), ti-je-r s (3), so-f (2), pe-lo-t (3), lo-ro (2) Form Two-Syllable Words Write the syll bles li nd m on the bo rd. H ve students isol te nd pronounce the initi l sound li nd the fin l sound m . Then h ve them or lly blend the sounds to form the word lim . Repe t the procedure with the syll bles me-to, pu-m , si-ll , nd tu-n . Intervention If students re struggling with segmenting words, provide sc ffolded pr ctice with Elkonin boxes. Begin with two-syll ble words such s mono, p to, t co, lim , nd solo . Then continue with three-syll ble words such s Meliss , piñ t , t rjet , l ngost , sent do . Remind students: Escuch l p l br , escuch los sonidos, mueve l s fich s. Nombre: Fecha: A. Une la palabra con el dibujo. pato lago sopa mesa tubo B. Cuenta las sílabas. Escribe las sílabas de cada palabra en los cuadros. manzana tijeras sofá pelota loro Distinguir entre sonidos Repaso 63 Lección 12 · Rep so: m, p, t, l, s Lesson Overview Objectives Students will be able to: • Identify pictures with m, p, t, l, s. • Decode two- nd three-syll ble words by bre king the words into syll bles. • Form two-syll ble words. • Write n rr tive to recount sequenced event. Resources Tarjetas fotográficas: m p , pj ro, t cos, l go, s l Cuaderno 3 · Repaso · 43 La cartilla Assessment The Assessment for Cu derno 3, Lessons 7 through 11 re in the Instructor Resources of your online course. Use the individu l nd group ssessment ctivities nd te cher recording sheets to tr ck e ch student’s progress. Evaluation Tarjetas fotográficas For quick ev lu tion of the t rget letters, use the photo c rds for m p , pj ro, t cos, l go, nd s l . Show e ch im ge to students. H ve students identify the photo nd the syll ble t the beginning of e ch word. Use the following rubric to help you org nize your expect tions for students nd to org nize the scoring for p rticul r ssignments. Decode and Write Words Cuaderno 3, p. 64, Act. C H ve students identify e ch of the illustr tions. Then h ve themcomplete e ch word with one of the syll bles in the box. If necess ry, provide two or three syll bles for e ch item inste d of h ving students choose from ll the syll bles in the box. Answers c s , lun , m m, pico, tigre, p to, l go, sop , t z Cuaderno 3, p. 64, Act. D Re d loud the words in the box nd review their me ning if necess ry. After students write the words to complete e ch sentence, c ll on volunteers to re d the sentences loud. Then sk students to identify the word with plur l ending in the sentences. ( libros ) Answers 1 . Tito 2 . muñec 3. pelot 4. libros Writing Cuaderno 3, p. 64, Act. E Discuss with students the types of ctivities children do fter school such s ride bikes, swim, pl y g mes, etc. Then tell them to write nd dr w picture bout wh t they enjoy doing fter school with friends. Provide the following sentence st rters. Me gust con mis migos. Primero nos gust . Después nos gust . Es . (divertido, interes nte, m r villoso, etc.) Differentiated Instruction Challenge Ask more- dv nced students to cre te sentences using the photo c rds of the m p , pj ro, t cos, l go, nd s l . H ve them sh re the sentences with the cl ss nd identify the syll bles with m, p, t, l, s . Nombre: Fecha: C. Usa las sílabas del cuadro para completar las palabras. ta sa lu pi ti la so to ma ca na má co gre pa go pa za D. Completa las oraciones con las palabras siguientes. pelota Tito libros muñeca 1. Hoy no tiene con quien jugar. 2. Mimí y su amiga juegan con una . 3. Uma y Pepe patean la . 4. Linda y su amiga leen . E. Escribe. Describe lo que te gusta hacer con tus amigos después de la escuela. Lección 12 · Rep so: m, p, t, l, s 64 Lección 12 Escribe 1 Requires more support 2 Completes task with support 3 Completes task on own Phonics Demonstr tes difficulty identifying nd decoding words with m, p, t, l, s. Displ ys bility to decode most words with the m, p, t, l, s, but needs support to re d some words. Identifies nd re ds words with m, p, t, l, s independently nd with little difficulty. Re ding L cks comprehension of story nd h s difficulty rec lling key det ils. Is ble to identify ch r cters but needs prompting to provide key det ils th t demonstr te underst nding of the centr l mess ge. Describes ch r cters, settings, nd key det ils. Demonstr tes underst nding of the centr l mess ge of the text. Writing Sentences minim lly ddress the prompt with little or no supporting det ils. Almost ll sentences re on topic. Few errors, but do not imp ct me ning. All sentences re on topic with det ils th t support the m in ide . Spe king nd Listening Displ ys difficulty p rticip ting in group convers tion. Often responses to comments do not reflect underst nding. P rticip tes in coll bor tive convers tions nd responds to comments of others with prompting. P rticip tes in coll bor tive convers tions. Responds to comments of others through multiple exch nges. 44 · Lección 12 · Cuaderno 3 T27 Nombre: Fecha: A. Une la palabra con el dibujo. pato lago sopa mesa tubo B. Cuenta las sílabas. Escribe las sílabas de cada palabra en los cuadros. manzana tijeras sofá pelota loro Distinguir entre sonidos Repaso 63 Lección 12 · Rep so: m, p, t, l, s Nombre: Fecha: C. Usa las sílabas del cuadro para completar las palabras. ta sa lu pi ti la so to ma ca na má co gre pa go pa za D. Completa las oraciones con las palabras siguientes. pelota Tito libros muñeca 1. Hoy no tiene con quien jugar. 2. Mimí y su amiga juegan con una . 3. Uma y Pepe patean la . 4. Linda y su amiga leen . E. Escribe. Describe lo que te gusta hacer con tus amigos después de la escuela. Lección 12 · Rep so: m, p, t, l, s 64 Lección 12 Escribe