For the Teacher For the Student Workbook lessons end with reading and writing practice linked to a Lectura fonética text . Activities include reading comprehension and writing responses that incorporate the lesson's target sound . Program Walkthrough (continued) Palabras con m Lee: Nombre: Fecha: A. ¿Comprendes? Une. Memo papá amigos Mimí Mamá B. Escribe. ¿Qué mascota tienes como amigo? 7 Yo mimo a mi perro Memo. Memo es mi amigo. 6 Yo mimo a mi gata Mimí. Mimí es mi amiga. LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 7-8 19/08/2020 10:25:33 a. m. 5 Mi mamá y mi papá aman a Mimí y a Memo. 4 Yo amo a mi gata y a mi perro. LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 5-6 19/08/2020 10:25:32 a. m. 7 Yo mimo a mi perro Memo. Memo es mi amigo. 6 Yo mimo a mi gata Mimí. Mimí es mi amiga. LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 7-8 19/08/2020 10:25:33 a. m. 8 Me gusta el mapa de mi papá. FIN 8 Mimí y Memo son mis amigos. FIN LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 9-10 19/08/2020 10:25:33 a. m. 5 Mi mamá y mi papá aman a Mimí y a Memo. 4 Yo amo a mi gata y a mi perro. LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 5-6 19/08/2020 10:25:32 a. m. Lectura: Mimí y Memo Lección 7 · L letr 38 Lección 7 m Leer, comprender, escribir Phonics Reader ( continued ) • ¿Cómo se ll m l g t ? (Mimí) Ask students to identify nd re d loud the sentence on p ge 2 where the n me ppe rs. • ¿Cómo se ll m el perro? (Memo) Ask students to identify nd re d loud the sentence on p ge 3 where the n me ppe rs. After Reading H ve students use the illustr tions nd the text to describe the centr l mess ge of the re ding. Le d discussion nd h ve students build on others’ t lk by responding to their comments. Ask students: ¿Cómo se siente l f mili cerc de Mimí y Memo? ¿Cómo lo s bes? (L f mili m Mimí y Memo. Los br z n y los cuid n.) Then dr w word web on the bo rd to org nize students’ responses. As they identify e ch w y the f mily demonstr tes their love for Mimí nd Memo, record the responses in the web. La familia ama a Mimí y Memo. v n en biciclet br z n jueg n mim Cuaderno 3, p. 38, Act. A After the discussion, h ve students complete Activity A in the middle of p ge 38. Writing Cuaderno 3, p. 38, Act. B After students complete them tching ctivity, h ve themwrite response to the question in Activity B bout re l or im gin ry pet. Provide the following sentence fr me: Yo mo mi [n me] . Es mi migo. Encour ge ll students to either dr w or bring in picture of their pet to go with their sentence. Differentiated Instruction Improve Fluency H ve groups of students t ke turns re ding Mimí y Memo one p ge e ch. Tell them to try to re d ll the words s correctly nd fluently s possible. When it is the cl ssm tes turn to listen, they should m ke sure no words re skipped or misre d. Additional Practice Cross-Curricular Activity Art H ve students choose ch r cter from Mimí y Memo nd cre te m sk. Give e ch student p per pl te cut in h lf. Tell them to dr w the f ce of their ch r cter. Help them punch holes in the corners nd tt ch string. H ve groups we r their m sks to role-pl y the story events. Connect to English M ny m words re written the s me or very simil r in English nd Sp nish but h ve different pronunci tions. On the bo rd, write the words motorcycle, m m , melon, multicolor. S y e ch word loud nd c ll on volunteers to connect the English word to Sp nish by identifying the Sp nish word. Games Memory Game Select eight words with m from the lesson nd write them on 16 index c rds. H ve students work with cl ssm te to pl y memory g me with the c rds. Tell them to pl ce the c rd f ce down on the t ble. They will t ke turns turning over two c rds t time until they find two th t re the s me. They get to keep the m tching c rds. E ch time they turn over c rd, they must re d the word. The g me ends when ll words h ve been m tched. Lee: Nombre: Fecha: A. ¿Comprendes? Une. Memo papá amigos Mimí Mamá B. Escribe. ¿Qué mascota tienes como amigo? 7 Yo mimo a mi perro Memo. Memo es mi amigo. 6 Yo mimo a mi gata Mimí. Mimí es mi amiga. LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 7-8 19/08/2020 10:25:33 a. m. 5 Mi mamá y mi papá aman a Mimí y a Memo. 4 Yo amo a mi gata y a mi perro. LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 5-6 19/08/2020 10:25:32 a. m. 7 Yo mimo a mi perro Memo. Memo es mi amigo. 6 Yo mimo a mi gata Mimí. Mimí es mi amiga. LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 7-8 19/08/2020 10:25:33 a. m. 8 Me gusta el mapa de mi papá. FIN 8 Mimí y Memo son mis amigos. FIN LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 9-10 19/08/2020 10:25:33 a. m. 5 Mi mamá y mi papá aman a Mimí y a Memo. 4 Yo amo a mi gata y a mi perro. LIS21_SYL_LIB_1_INT.indd 5-6 19/08/2020 10:25:32 a. m. Lectura: Mimí y Memo Lección 7 · L letr 38 Lección 7 m Leer, comprender, escribir 26 · Lección 7 · Cuaderno 3 T26 Additional Practice provides suggestions for Connections to English, Cross-Curricular activities, and games . The Lecturas fonéticas readers are integrated into each lesson . These decodable readers are from the Little Book Syllabic Library collection, and are also available online with audio synchronization . Suggestions for Before, During, and After Reading discussion ensure varied practice of reading skills across lessons . When planning, look for the group icon to find Differentiated Instruction and teaching suggestions suitable for smaller group activities . gram Walk-through (continued)