For the Teacher For the Student Enseño a leer Big Book Differentiated Instruction Challenge H ve students cre te word/picture book for the letter m + vowel . H ve them dr w nd l bel the pictures. Suggest to students th t they write the syll ble in different color so th t it st nds out. High-Frequency Words Write the words es nd mi on the bo rd nd encour ge students to re d the words with you. Then write the following sentence on the bo rd nd re d it loud pointing to e ch word: El mono es mi m scot . H ve students write es nd mi on index c rds nd dd them to their Word Ring. To pr ctice the words, sk them to use the words in sentence following the p ttern of the sentence on the bo rd: es mi . Phonics Reader Before Reading C ll on volunteer to describe the illustr tion on the cover of the phonics re der. Re d loud the title nd the n mes of the uthors nd illustr tor. Conduct w lkthrough of the book h ving students look c refully t ll the pictures. Then h ve students discuss the kinds of pets they h ve in their home nd how they feel bout them. While Reading H ve students echo re d e ch sentence of the story nd point out nd fr me the words with the syll ble m + vowel. (mi, Mimí, mí , Memo, mío, mo, m m , m n, mimo, mig , migo, mis, migos) Also, h ve them look for sentences with the high- frequency words es nd mi . Tell them to use the illustr tions to find out the m ny w ys th t the f mily shows their love for their pets. Help guide them through the story by sking comprehension questions such s the following. Read and Complete Words in Context Cuaderno 3, p. 36 Re d e ch sentence loud nd h ve students follow long in their books. Tr ck the print with your finger or pointer. Rel te e ch picture to its corresponding word. Point out the distinguishing fe tures of sentence by identifying the first words of e ch sentence nd expl ining th t the first letter is lw ys upperc se. Then c ll on volunteers to t ke turns re ding different sentences loud. Formsm ll groups ndh ve students pr ctice re ding the sentences loud toe chother. Big Book, p. 6B Re d loud the syll bles t the bottom of the p ge s you tr ck them with your finger. Ask: • ¿Qué diferenci h y entre l s síl b s en l primer líne y l s de l segund ? (L s síl b s de l primer fil est n en m yúscul .) • ¿Qué tienen en común? (Tienen el mismo sonido.) H ve students find word from the story th t cont ins the syll ble m , me, mi, mo, or mu . Then h ve them identify two words in the story th t begin with n upperc se M . (Mimí, Mir ) Cuaderno 3, p. 37 H ve students complete the words by writing the correct syll ble. Remind students th t sentences begin with n upperc se letter. H ve them use p ge 36 s guide if necess ry. Lee: Nombre: Fecha: Mimí y su mamá comen en la mesa . Mimí come melón . Su mamá come manzana . Mimí tiene una muñeca y un mono . —¡Mira, mamá! —llama Mimí—. ¡Una mariposa hermosa! Lección 7 · L letr 36 Lección 7 m Leer p l br s y or ciones Completa: Nombre: Fecha: Mimí y su mamá co me n en la me sa . Mimí co me lón . Su mamá co me nzana . Mimí tiene una ñeca y un no . —¡ Mi ra, mamá !—lla ma Mimí —. ¡Una riposa her mo sa! Lección 7 · L letr La letra m 37 m Leer or ciones y escribir p l br s Cuaderno 3 · La letra m · 25 T25 Lee: Nombre: Fecha: Mimí y su mamá comen en la mesa . Mimí come melón . Su mamá come manzana . Mimí tiene una muñeca y un mono . —¡Mira, mamá! —llama Mimí—. ¡Una mariposa hermosa! Lección 7 · L letr 36 Lección 7 m Leer p l br s y or ciones Completa: Nombre: Fecha: Mimí y su mamá co me n en la me sa . Mimí co me lón . Su mamá co me nzana . Mimí tiene una ñeca y un no . —¡ Mi ra, mamá !—lla ma Mimí —. ¡Una riposa her mo sa! Lección 7 · L letr La letra m 37 m Leer or ciones y escribir p l br s Read, understand, and write words in context. The sequence of pages Lee and Completa use visuals to support students’ reading and writing . The Enseño a leer Big Book provides a text version of each story . The online book has audio syncing . Workbook pages provide reading, writing, and spelling practice using contextually-linked sentences . On Lee , visuals support reading of new and known words . On Completa , students trace and write syllables using the same supporting images .
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