Reading Together The following books can be shared with your students in a whole-group or smaller group setting. • Monstruos (EL) • ¿Qué veo en un árbol? • iGracias, mamá! Before Reading Introduce the story by engaging students’ interest with some background information. Help students identify the title, author, and illustrator on the cover. Then conduct a picture walk through the book and ask students to make predictions about what they think the story is about. During Reading Read the text with a focus on understanding. You may want to focus on vocabulary and the phonics taught in this lesson: the letter m and the syllables ma, me, mi, mo, mu . After Reading Confirm student’s predictions about the story. What was as they predicted? What was different? Give students the opportunity to share their opinions and participate by asking open-ended questions. Sequence the story events by asking students: ¿Qué pasó primero? ¿Después? ¿Al último? Differentiated Instruction Support Have auditory learners use a drum or tambourine to sound out the syllables in words that begin with m . Ask a small group of students to sit in a circle. Pass the drum or tambourine to a student and say a word mano , for example. Have the student repeat the word and drum out the syllables. Then pass the drum or tambourine to the next student and say another m word. Continue until all students have participated. Additional Practice Accentuation Big Book, p. 6A Point out the words mamá and melón . Ask: ¿Qué ven sobre la a y la o ? (un acento) Remind students that accents are written over certain vowels to show that there is stress on the syllable. Say the words aloud and have students listen for the stress on the last syllable. Identify other names or familiar words that have accents. Connect to English Develop a word wall with students of words that begin with m in English and in Spanish. Begin with cognates such as melón / melon, motocicleta /motorcycle, mamá /mama, etc. Games Line up six chairs back to back. Place five sheets of paper, each with a large M or m printed on it, on five of the chairs. Place a sheet of paper with a large P on the sixth chair. Tell children that instead of playing music while they circle the chairs, you will say a series of letters. Children should listen carefully. When you say the letter m , they should quickly sit in the closest chair with an M or m . The player who is left with the P skips the next round and calls out the letters with you. Cross-Curricular Activity Theater Have students perform a reader’s theater version of one the shared stories. Work together with students to create a simple text. Then have students practice and perform their parts. If time allows, use lunch size paper bags to create hand puppets of the characters for students to use as they present their versions of the story. 26 · Lección 7 · Cuaderno 1
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