For the Teacher On the La cartilla Supersite Additional Instructional Support for small group activities and reading ends each lesson . Additional Practice provides suggestions for more Spanish Language Arts skills, Connections to English, Reading, and Cross-curricular activities . When planning, look for the group icon to find Differentiated Instruction suggestions suitable for smaller group activities . The reading section in each lesson includes authentic children’s literature titles from the La cartilla Enrichment Library and the A+ Literacy Kits . Teaching suggestions for Before, During, and After Reading provide varied reading skills practice across lessons . For Shared Reading groups and teaching print concepts, use the Enseño a leer Big Book with audio- sync . Each alphabet letter has two pages . Page A presents the letter, sound, syllables, and common words . Page B has short contextual sentences to build on the words students learn . The phonics readers series, Lecturas fonéticas , is also available online with audio synchronization . Reading Together The following books c n be sh red with your students in whole-group or sm ller group setting. • Monstruos (EL) • ¿Qué veo en un rbol? • iGr ci s, m m ! Before Reading Introduce the story by eng ging students’ interest with some b ckground inform tion. Help students identify the title, uthor, nd illustr tor on the cover. Then conduct picture w lk through the book nd sk students to m ke predictions bout wh t they think the story is bout. During Reading Re d the text with focus on underst nding. You m y w nt to focus on voc bul ry nd the phonics t ught in this lesson: the letter m nd the syll bles m , me, mi, mo, mu . After Reading Confirm student’s predictions bout the story. Wh t w s s they predicted? Wh t w s different? Give students the opportunity to sh re their opinions nd p rticip te by sking open-ended questions. Sequence the story events by sking students: ¿Qué p só primero? ¿Después? ¿Al último? Differentiated Instruction Support H ve uditory le rners use drum or t mbourine to sound out the syll bles in words th t begin with m . Ask sm ll group of students to sit in circle. P ss the drum or t mbourine to student nd s y word m no , for ex mple. H ve the student repe t the word nd drum out the syll bles. Then p ss the drum or t mbourine to the next student nd s y nother m word. Continue until ll students h ve p rticip ted. Additional Practice Accentuation Big Book, p. 6A Point out the words m m nd melón . Ask: ¿Qué ven sobre l y l o ? (un cento) Remind students th t ccents re written over cert in vowels to show th t there is stress on the syll ble. S y the words loud nd h ve students listen for the stress on the l st syll ble. Identify other n mes or f mili r words th t h ve ccents. Connect to English Develop word w ll with students of words th t begin with m in English nd in Sp nish. Begin with cogn tes such s melón / melon, motociclet /motorcycle, m m /m m , etc. Games Line up six ch irs b ck to b ck. Pl ce five sheets of p per, e ch with l rge M or m printed on it, on five of the ch irs. Pl ce sheet of p per with l rge P on the sixth ch ir. Tell children th t inste d of pl ying music while they circle the ch irs, you will s y series of letters. Children should listen c refully. When you s y the letter m , they should quickly sit in the closest ch ir with n M or m . The pl yer who is left with the P skips the next round nd c lls out the letters with you. Cross-Curricular Activity Theater H ve students perform re der’s the ter version of one the sh red stories. Work together with students to cre te simple text. Then h ve students pr ctice nd perform their p rts. If time llows, use lunch size p per b gs to cre te h nd puppets of the ch r cters for students to use s they present their versions of the story. 26 · Lección 7 · Cuaderno 1 T25
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