Cuaderno 3 Highlighted Skills Reading/Writing/ Conventions Phonics Reader Skill Lección 25 (c, q) Read words with diminutive endings. Read irregularly spelled words ( c/g ). High-Frequency Words: qué, quiere Reading: Describe characters and events using key details. Writing: Write about a fun experience. Carlos el conejo (k) + vowel (ca, que, qui, co, cu) Lección 31 Decode two- and three-syllable words. Recognize and read words with complex spelling. High-Frequency Words: amigas, amigos, juegos, jugar Reading: Use illustrations and details to describe characters, settings, and events. Writing: Describe an animal. El hormiguero g + vowel (ga, gue, gui, go, gu) Lección 32 (g/j) Decode two- and three-syllable words. Recognize and read words with complex spelling ( g/j ). High-Frequency Words: gente, juntos, juntas Reading: Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. Writing: Compare and contrast events. El libro mágico (j) + vowel (ge, gi) Lección 20 Know the spelling-sound correspondence of digraphs ( rr ). Recognize and read irregularly spelled words ( r/rr ). High-Frequency Words: arriba, comer Reading: Answer questions about key details. Writing: Explain an opinion of a story. El perro, la zorra y los churros rr + vowel Lección 27 Decode two- and three-syllable words. Know the spelling-sound correspondence of digraphs ( ch ). High-Frequency Words: mucho(s), mucha(s) Reading: Retell stories, including key details. Writing: Write about activities in a sequential order. Viernes por la noche ch + vowel Lección 28 Decode two- and three-syllable words. Know the spelling-sound correspondence of digraphs ( ll ). High-Frequency Words: agua, cuando Reading: Use illustrations to describe characters in a story. Writing: Remember information about an experience to answer a question. La fiesta del gallo ll + vowel Lección 29 Decode two- and three-syllable words. Recognize and read words with complex spelling ( y/ll ). High-Frequency Words: yo, ayuda, ayer Reading: Use illustrations to describe events. Writing: Describe an event and the feelings it caused. ¡Ayuda! y + vowel Lección 33 Decode two- and three-syllable words. Distinguish between strong and weak vowels that form a diphthong. High-Frequency Words: otro/a, mismo/a Reading: Answer questions about key details. Writing: Participate in a research project. K + vowel Lección 30 Repaso Identify words with c/q, c/z, ch, ll, and y . Decode two- and three-syllable words. Recognize and read words with complex spelling. Write step-by-step instructions. Lección 34 Decode two- and three-syllable words. Distinguish between open and closed syllables. High-Frequency Words: allí Reading: Use illustrations and details in an informative text to describe key details. Writing: Write an informative text. De walabíes a kiwis w + vowel Lección 35 Decode two- and three-syllable words. Recognize and read words with complex spelling. High-Frequency Words: antes Reading: Use illustrations and details to describe events. Writing: Write about a solution to a problem. El texto del bóxer vowel + x Lección 26 Letras c, z, s Read irregularly spelled words ( c/s) . Distinguish between strong and weak vowels that form a diphthong. High-Frequency Words: todo(s) Reading: Understand the main message of a story. Writing: Write about a meal. La cena de Cecilia (s) + vowel (za, ce, ci, zo, zu) Lección 36 Repaso Identify words with g, g/j, k, w, or x. Decode two- and three-syllable words. Recognize and read words with complex spelling. Write a narrative about a personal experience. Lección 37 Recognize that the letters b and v share the same sound, /b/. Recognize and read words with complex spelling (b/v) . Reading: Use illustrations to describe characters in a story. Writing: Write about a future job. Bonita, la vaca bombera b, v T13