UNIT 1 BRIDGES TO SOCIAL STUDIES DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION B Determine the central ideas of a source Encourage students to find their answers in the text along with supporting evidence, but also ask them to share their own ideas as an extension. ANSWERS 1. Sample answers: 1. A nation’s day of independence is essentially the nation’s birthday. 2. People honor their ancestors by remembering them and celebrating their lives. 3. Children’s Day promotes togetherness among children and improves their welfare. 4. I think it is important to honor people and events from the past because they helped shape us into who and what we are today. C Provide an accurate summary of a source Have pairs describe the flag objectively before guessing the meaning of the symbols. Emphasize that symbols are open to interpretation and there are no absolute answers about their meanings. ANSWERS Sample answers: 1. The flag is green. It has five figures standing on a sphere-shaped object. 2. The figures represent children standing on all sides of Earth. 3. Children on Earth do not all look exactly alike. The different colors represent these differences. 4. I think the message is that all children live on Earth and although there are small differences between each, they are basically the same. D Cite specific textual evidence Ask a student to read aloud the sample answer on the page as a way to help them generate ideas. Tell them to use the ideas in the text to confirm why their holiday would be important to celebrate. ANSWERS Sample answers: 1. We should celebrate farmers and the food they grow. 2. We can celebrate by writing a song to thank the farmers. 3. The song will be about the work farmers do. It will remind people to be thankful all year. E Make connections Remind students about the celebrations they have read about and discussed. Tell them to choose one celebration. Then have students answer the questions. ANSWERS Sample answers: 1. Memorial Day celebrates people who fought in wars and served in the military to protect their country. 2. Honoring ancestors and their achievements helps people look to the future and decide what they want to achieve. 3. People gather with family and friends, have parades, and visit gravesites. MEET A HISTORIAN Acquire knowledge of geography Ask students to locate Nigeria on a world map and identify the region of West Africa. Supersite See the Bridges SuperSite: Teacher Resources for a Social Studies Project. Practice Book p. 14 Assessment Program Quiz: Bridges to Social Studies PRACTICE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Speak/Write Describe one cultural celebration presented in the lesson. Explain why you think it is important to celebrate this day. Scaffold To prepare students for Activity C, pre-teach the words symbol and symbolize. Explain that flags often contain symbols, or objects that stand for something else. Ask: What symbols do you know? Students may mention things such as a heart standing for love, a dove standing for peace, etc. Point to the US flag and ask students to explain the symbols. Encourage students to share knowledge about the symbols used on other flags they know or their home country’s flag. Amplify In Activity B, point out that question 4 is an opinion question. Students may have different values relating to their ancestors and cultural history. Remind students to listen closely to each other and to be respectful of opinions different from their own. Encourage them to have a discussion about how different cultures value and celebrate different kinds of events and people. Within groups, have students compare their cultural knowledge. COMMUNICATE B Comprehension Answer the questions. 1. Why do nations celebrate their independence with a holiday? 2. What are some ways that people honor their ancestors? 3. Why is Children’s Day an important holiday? 4. Why is it important to honor people and events from the past? C Reread the paragraph about Children’s Day. Look at the image of the Children’s Day flag. 1. Describe the flag. 2. What do the figures standing on the ball represent? 3. Why are the figures different colors? 4. What do you think is the message of this flag? D Brainstorm ideas for a new holiday that you think should be celebrated. Answer the questions. 1. What is the event or cause to celebrate? 2. How will you celebrate it? 3. How does the celebration show what the event or cause is about? E Making connections Think about a celebration that you know. Answer the questions. 1. How is the celebration about the past? 2. How is it about the future? 3. What do people do to celebrate this day? MEET A HISTORIAN Dr. Nwando Achebe, born in eastern Nigeria, is a historian who has written award-winning books about Africa. Her father, Chinua Achebe, is a novelist, essayist, and poet whose historically accurate works are widely taught. Nwando has taught history in China and conducted research in Nigeria. She is currently a professor of history in Michigan. IDEAS TO USE an independence day a day that honors a person a day that honors an event On Ocean Day, we celebrate clean oceans. Everyone wears blue makeup to show that we want to take care of our oceans. UNIT 1 33 BLC23_SE_LB_U01_032-033_BSS.indd 33 8/30/21 12:18 PM Teacher’s Edition • UNIT 1 | 33