UNIT 1 AFTER YOU READ DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION • Identify central idea Finally, tell students they will watch the video one more time. Say: One of the students asks you two questions. Listen for and write down the questions. (Which memoir inspired you? What is the central idea of all the memoirs?) Elicit the questions and ask students to turn to a classmate and discuss the answers. Book Club Discussion A Prepare for discussions and collaborations Group students to ask and answer the questions. Point out the list of author names and model their pronunciation. Explain that these are included to help students refer to the authors in their discussion. Ask a student to read aloud the words in the box. Explain that these may be helpful in their discussion. Ask them to think about the memoir that each word reminds them of. ACADEMIC VOCABULARY Acquire and use academic vocabulary Explain that when we like something, such as a book, movie, song, or restaurant, we often recommend it to other people. Ask each student to think of four things they recommend or don’t recommend. Then have them turn to a classmate and use each word form in the box in a true sentence. B DISCUSSION STARTERS Introduce topics clearly Point out the sentence starters in the box. Suggest that students use these to structure their answers in Activity B. C Support opinions with relevant information Have students work in pairs to share their personal opinions about the reading and compare an artist to themselves. ANSWERS Sample answers: 1. I liked I Honor My Father and Mother the most because of the mother’s big heart and the words “nunca me digas adios.” 2. I am most like Nancy Hom because I like to hear stories about my family. 3. I like the painting of the woman on the horse because of the colors and the expression on the woman’s face. D Support claims with reasoning and textual evidence Tell students they can build on their answers from Activity C. ANSWERS Sample answers: I am similar to my grandmother. She is always humming a song, and I am, too. She and I also both like to bake and decorate beautiful cakes. Practice Book pp. 4–6 Assessment Program Quiz: After You Read COMMUNICATE FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Speak/Write • Which ancestor from Honoring Our Ancestors showed strength? • Which ancestor demonstrated a connection to nature? Scaffold • Create groups of no more than four students for the Book Club. They may be grouped by reading or language level, or include a mix of ability levels to allow some students to lead and others to benefit from their peers’ higher language development. Create new groups for each unit so that students gain experience engaging in academic discussions with as many of their peers as possible. • Gather SLIFE and any multilingual learners who might need more support participating in this first Book Club. Work with them in their group to model group collaboration and turn taking. Also model how to look back through the text to formulate ideas and find text evidence to support their answers and opinions. Amplify • Ask Book Club groups to prepare a written answer to each of the questions to submit for assessment. • Prepare additional “challenge” questions for Book Club groups who finish ahead of the other groups. ACADEMIC VOCABULARY recommend (verb) DEFINITION to say that something is good EXAMPLE I recommend the documentary film series Blue Planet. It’s amazing! WORD FORMS recommended, recommending, recommendation This book is called Honoring Our Ancestors. It is a collection of . . . In this collection, I recommend reading . . . because . . . DISCUSSION STARTERS A Discuss the questions. Use the word box or your own ideas. 1. What did the artists learn from their ancestors? 2. How do they show this in their paintings? 3. How do they show this in their memoirs? 4. What do the artists have in common? B Answer. 1. Describe the collection Honoring Our Ancestors. 2. Choose a memoir to recommend. Describe the memoir and tell why you recommend it. C Making connections 1. Which artist’s story did you like the most, and why? 2. Which artist is most similar to you, and why? 3. Which painting did you like the best, and why? D Choose one of your ancestors. Write about how you are similar to this person. Use two pieces of evidence to support your answer. Write a REACTION ! Book Club Discussion Words to Use healing education pioneers strength connection to nature support and love Helen Zughaib Nancy Hom Stephen Von Mason Maya Christina Gonzalez George Crespo Enrique Chagoya UNIT 1 19 BLC23_SE_LB_U01_018-019_AR.indd 19 8/30/21 11:31 AM Teacher’s Edition • UNIT 1 | 19