UNIT 1 READING DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION EXPLORE AND LEARN Scaffold To support students in their comprehension of the memoir, try the “explain, star, question” method. Have students select a sentence or larger part of the text they understand and can explain orally to others. Have them write a phrase or sentence they like and place a star next to it on their sheet of paper. Lastly, have them select a sentence or larger part of the text and copy it onto their sheet of paper. They should put a question mark on specific words or parts they don’t understand. Have students discuss their selections with partners. Clarify any question marks that have not been explained. Amplify • As students listen to the audio of the memoir, instruct them to write a list of any unfamiliar words. Then after reading, tell them to go back and look for clues to help them understand the meaning of the words. As students work, pair students with lower language development with students with higher language development to discuss the words, finally using a reference resource to find or confirm meaning. • Ask students to examine the painting closely and note elements that are unusual. If they need prompting, ask: Why did the artist paint his father sideways? Why did the artist paint himself with an adult’s face but a child’s body? What images do you see in the background? Ask students to consider the author’s purpose in these elements and discuss possible explanations. Reading: I Honor My Father and Mother • Make predictions Ask a student to read aloud the title. Ask: Who is the author? Look at his photo. Ask: What does he look like? Then draw students’ attention to the painting. Ask several students to describe what they see. Then ask: Who do you think these people are? What is each person holding? What do you think these items signify? Do not confirm any of the students’ guesses at this point. Tell them they will read to find out. • Read and comprehend literature Play the audio or read aloud the memoir as students read along silently. • Use a glossary Tell students to study the glossed words and practice substituting them in the text with the definitions given to understand their meaning. Show photos of landscapes to ensure their comprehension. If students are interested, explain color theory in a little more detail. It includes the color wheel, the designation of primary and secondary colors, which colors form other colors, and which colors are complementary, or go well together. Ask: Is color theory important to an artist? (Yes!) What other professions might be interested in color theory? (marketing, advertising, fashion, etc.) • Identify key words Point out the highlighted words dedicate and source. Remind students that they learned these words on page 5. Ask students to turn to a classmate and briefly explain to each other what the words mean in the context of the story; for example: Source = The author received love and support from his parents. Dedicate = The author honors his parents by drawing this picture for them. • Probe and reflect on a reading Ask students to engage in conversation about what they have read. Ask questions to stimulate ideas, for example: What does it mean to have a “big heart”? How might Chagoya’s mother have shown that she had a big heart? (She helped people in need and didn’t expect anything.) How did Chagoya’s father inspire him? (His father inspired him to draw and paint because Chagoya thought his father’s hand was magical.) Why did Chagoya think his dad’s hand was magical? (He was a good artist.) 903928513_Honoring Our Ancestors_US_PB_Text_Size:216x273mm 128gM/A 6 《敬仰祖先(美平)》 2021.05.22 149 正常红 Honoring Our Ancestors_US_PB_P01-32.indd 6 21-5-26 8:42 16 UNIT 1 Honoring Our Ancestors BLC23_SE_LB_U01_008-017_RD.indd 16 8/30/21 11:28 AM 16 | Teacher’s Edition • UNIT 1