A+ Spanish Mentor Texts for Writing - PROGRAM SAMPLER

Emerging: 1 Developing: 2 Proficient: 3 Beyond: 4 Content • Writing prompt is not addressed or content is irrelevant. • No details or descriptions. • Writing prompt is partially addressed. • Includes some vivid details and descriptions. • Writing prompt is fully addressed. • Includes several vivid details and descriptions. • Writing prompt is fully and effectively addressed. • Includes many vivid details and descriptions. Organization • Does not follow the structure and patterns of poems. • Attempts to follow the structure and patterns of poems with limited success. • Follows the structure and patterns of poems. • Effectively follows the structure and patterns of poems. Genre and Writer’s Craft • There is no apparent rhyme or rhythm. • Does not include alliteration. • Does not include a metaphor. • There is either rhyme or rhythm, not both. • Attempts to include alliteration with limited success. • Attempts to include a metaphor with limited success. • There is both rhyme and rhythm. • Includes clear alliteration in at least one instance. • Includes a clear metaphor. • Effective use of both rhyme and rhythm. • Includes clear alliteration in more than one instance. • Includes at least one clear and effective metaphor. Language Use: Vocabulary and Conventions • Very limited and/or inaccurate vocabulary. • Many errors in the language points covered. • Some inaccuracies in the vocabulary. • Some errors in the language points covered. • Somewhat varied and accurate vocabulary. • Very few errors in the language points covered. • Accurate and varied vocabulary. • No errors in the language points covered. day 6 w ritinG • Review the genre and writer’s crafts boxes with the class. Students may use Hojas 1B and 2B to review. • Compare and contrast both poems to show how the poets used the genre and writer’s crafts discussed. • Read the writing prompt aloud and clarify the task. • Assign Hoja 3 and assist students as they write their poem. day 7 r eviSinG and e ditinG • Have students review the vocabulary and language points on Hojas 1A and 2A . • Assign Hoja 4 . Review the checklist with students. Assist them as necessary in their reviewing and editing processes. • If appropriate, you may want to have partners do a peer review of each other’s poems. day 8 P ubliShinG and / or P reSentinG • If time allows, organize a poetry recital in class. Invite students to recite their poems for the class. Encourage them to use appropriate intonation and gestures. Alternatively, have students record their poems and play their recordings to the class. • Assign the following reflection questions: ¿Qué te gustó más del proceso de crear tu poema? ¿Por qué? • Once they have finished, have students put away their work in their Writing Folders. w ritinG r ubric : P oetry 88 Poetry 96