A+ Spanish Mentor Texts for Writing - PROGRAM SAMPLER

Emerging: 1 Developing: 2 Proficient: 3 Beyond: 4 Content • Writing prompt is not addressed or content is irrelevant. • Does not include details about the purpose of the letter. • Writing prompt is partially addressed. • Includes limited details about the purpose of the letter. • Writing prompt is addressed. • Includes enough relevant descriptions about the purpose of the letter. • Writing prompt is fully and skillfully addressed. • Includes many relevant and vivid descriptions about the purpose of the letter. Organization • No organizational structure. • Body of letter does not include an introduction, middle, and conclusion. • Attempts to follow the structure of thank you letters with limited success. • Includes an introduction, middle, and conclusion with limited success. • Follows the structure of thank you letters. • Includes a clear introduction, middle, and conclusion. • Follows the structure of thank you letters effectively. • Includes a clear and effective introduction, middle, and conclusion. Genre and Writer’s Craft • Includes one or two elements of thank you letters. • Does not convey an appropriate tone. • Includes more than two elements of thank you letters. • Attempts to convey an appropriate tone with limited success. • Includes all of the elements of thank you letters. • Conveys an appropriate tone. • Includes all of the elements of thank you letters effectively. • Conveys an appropriate and effective tone. Language Use: Vocabulary and Conventions • Very limited and/or inaccurate vocabulary. • Many errors in the language point covered. Many errors overall. • Repetitive vocabulary. Some inaccuracies. • Some errors in the language point covered. Several errors overall. • Somewhat varied and accurate vocabulary. • Very few errors in the language point covered. Some errors overall. • Effective, accurate, and varied vocabulary. • No errors in the language point covered. Very few errors overall. day 4 w ritinG • Review the genre and writer’s craft with the class. Students may use Hoja 2 to review. • Read the writing prompt aloud and clarify the task. • Assign Hoja 3 and assist students as they write their drafts. day 5 r eviSinG and e ditinG • Have students review the vocabulary and language point on Hoja 1 . • Assign Hoja 4 . Review the checklist with students. Assist them as necessary in their reviewing and editing processes. • If appropriate, you may want to have partners do a peer review of each other’s letters. day 6 P ubliShinG and / or P reSentinG • Invite students to read their thank you letters aloud. Encourage the class to think of appropriate answers to their classmates’ letters. Alternatively, have student pairs answer each other’s letters. • Assign the following reflection questions: ¿A quiénes le enviarías cartas de agradecimiento? ¿Por qué? • Once they have finished, have students put away their work in their Writing Folders. w ritinG r ubric : t hank y ou l etter 103 Thank You Letter 67