A+ Spanish Mentor Texts for Writing - PROGRAM SAMPLER

day 2 b efore r eadinG : Me encantan los Saturdays y los domingos • Introduce the book Me encantan los Saturdays y los domingos . • Use images, gestures, and/or explanations to introduce the vocabulary. • Provide sample sentences for students to complete with the correct vocabulary word. • Encourage students to tell the difference in meaning between observar and ver . Provide these examples from the text: Es divertido observar los peces. Abuelita nos tapa los ojos para que no podamos ver la piñata. day 3 r eadinG & P rewritinG : Me encantan los Saturdays y los domingos • Explain that Me encantan los Saturdays y los domingos is a personal narrative. Distribute the Hoja del género and use it to review the genre’s characteristics. Then read the story aloud, pausing often to point out these characteristics. • Introduce the writer’s craft. Explain that personal narratives are first-person texts. Then read p. 28 aloud to model reading as a writer. As you read, have students identify the words that indicate a first-person point of view ( mis, mi, nos ). For more advanced practice, encourage students to identify verbs that are conjugated in the first person ( reunimos, ponemos, podamos ). • Assign Hoja 2 and assist students as needed. • Introduce the language point. If possible, make an enlarged copy of the Lenguaje box on chart paper or project it to the class. • Read the example aloud, and help students identify what the noun él replaces. ( Abuelito ) Explain that we use personal pronouns to avoid repetition of nouns. • As a practice, provide students with sentences and ask them to replace nouns with the appropriate personal pronouns. • Assign Hoja 1 and assist students as needed. Vocabulario colección – grupo de cosas de una misma clase criar – dar comida y cuidar a los animales de granja exquisito(a) – muy sabroso; riquísimo idéntico(a) – igual a otro indígena – persona originaria del continente americano; amerindio muelle – construcción en la orilla del agua para subir y bajar de los barcos observar – mirar algo con atención El arte del escritor En un relato personal, el autor escribe sobre sí mismo y su vida. Es decir, usa un punto de vista narrativo en primera persona . Por eso emplea pronombres de primera persona como yo, mí, mi(s), me, mío(s), conmigo, nosotros, nuestro(s), nos . Lenguaje Usamos pronombres personales para reemplazar sustantivos que nombran a personas. Persona Singular Plural primera yo nosotros/as segunda tú/usted ustedes tercera él/ella ellos/as Abuelito me lleva a la playa. A él le encanta caminar junto al mar. 56 Narrative: Personal Narrative 2