A+ Spanish Mentor Texts for Writing - PROGRAM SAMPLER

day 2 b efore r eadinG : Aquí vivo yo • Introduce Aquí vivo yo . • Use images, gestures, and/or explanations to introduce the vocabulary. • Read the words aloud, tracking each word as you read it. Then do a choral reading. • Flip through the book and point to places or objects related to the vocabulary words. Then ask students to say the related word. For instance, you point to the post office on p. 5 and students say carta . • For prestar and devolver , invite two volunteers to role-play these verbs. day 3 r eadinG & P rewritinG : Aquí vivo yo • Explain that Aquí vivo yo is an informational text. Distribute the Hoja del género and use it to review the genre’s characteristics. Talk about this text’s descriptive structure. Discuss with students that the author wants to give readers information about her neighborhood. That is her purpose for writing. Read the text aloud, pausing often to point out the genre’s characteristics. • Introduce the writer’s craft. Explain that the images in Aquí vivo yo add additional information not included in the text. • Read p. 15 aloud. Do not show the picture. Ask students whether this text by itself gives them enough information about the writer’s home or not. Then show the picture on p. 15. Have students explain what additional information this image gives them. • Assign Hoja 1B and read the activities aloud. Assist students as needed. • Introduce the language point. If possible, make an enlarged copy of the Lenguaje box on chart paper or project it to the class. • Read the two examples aloud, changing the intonation to make it clear that you are asking a question. Then write both question marks on the board and explain how to write them. Allow students time to practice writing question marks on a piece of paper. • Assign Hoja 1A and read the activities aloud. Assist students as needed. Vocabulario arreglar – reparar algo que estaba roto carta – escrito que se envía a alguien consultorio – oficina donde trabajan los doctores y donde ven a sus pacientes devolver – regresar algo al lugar donde estaba o a la persona que lo tenía gratis – que no cuesta dinero prestar – darle algo a una persona para que lo use por un tiempo sirena – sonido fuerte para avisar El arte del escritor Los autores de textos informativos suelen incluir imágenes en el texto. Las imágenes dan más información y ayudan al lector a entender mejor el texto. Lenguaje Estos son los signos de interrogación : ¿? Escribimos un signo de interrogación al comienzo y al final de las preguntas. Los signos de interrogación me dicen que estoy leyendo una pregunta. ¿ Sabes dónde estamos ahora ? ¿ Cómo es el lugar donde vives tú ? 38 Informational Text 4