A+ Spanish Mentor Texts for Writing - PROGRAM SAMPLER

Emerging: 1 Developing: 2 Proficient: 3 Beyond: 4 Content • Writing prompt is not addressed or content is irrelevant. • Illustration is not relevant or was not included. • Writing prompt is partially addressed. • Illustration is somewhat related to the dialogue but does not add to the reader’s understanding or does not show the setting. • Writing prompt is fully addressed. • Somewhat effective illustration that helps the reader follow the dialogue. • Illustration shows the setting. • Writing prompt is fully addressed without supervision. • Effective illustration that helps the reader follow the dialogue. • Illustration shows the setting. Organization • No organizational structure. • Difficult to follow. • Attempts to follow the structure of dialogues with limited success. • It is possible to follow with some difficulties. • Follows the structure of dialogues. • Somewhat clear. Easy to follow. • Follows the structure of dialogues without supervision. • Clear and logical. Very easy to follow. Genre and Writer’s Craft • Not written as a dialogue. • Characters’ thoughts are not shown. • Partially written as a dialogue. • Attempts to show the characters’ thoughts with limited success. • Written as a dialogue. • Shows the characters’ thoughts. • Written as a dialogue without supervision. • Shows the characters’ thoughts in a clear and effective manner. Language Use: Vocabulary and Conventions • Very limited and/or inaccurate vocabulary. • Many errors in the language point covered. • Repetitive vocabulary. Some inaccuracies. • Some errors in the language point covered. • Varied and accurate vocabulary. • Very few errors in the language point covered. • Effective, accurate, and varied vocabulary. • No errors in the language point covered. day 4 w ritinG • Review the genre and writer’s craft with the class. Students may use Hoja 2 to review. • Read the writing prompt aloud and clarify the task. Tell students they will be thinking of another character for “Pedro Pollito” and writing a short dialogue. • Assign Hoja 3 and assist students as they write their drafts. • When students finish writing, assist them in the reviewing process. Encourage students to use some of the words they learned. Also, remind students to capitalize the first name and last name of characters. day 5 P ubliShinG and / or P reSentinG • Invite students to act out their short dialogue. If possible, students may make some props to represent their character. • If time allows, provide a designated space, some set decorations, and/or props to stage “Pedro Pollito.” • Once they have finished, have students put away their work in their Writing Folders. w ritinG r ubric : d rama 15 Drama 21