A+ Spanish Mentor Texts for Writing - PROGRAM SAMPLER

M entor t ext for D raMa S election Teatro del Gato Garabato : “Pedro Pollito” (pp. 24−32) o bjectiveS Learn about drama. Use accurate vocabulary and capitalize the first letter in names and last names. Understand that authors use dialogue to show the characters’ thoughts. Write, dictate, and illustrate a short dialogue for a drama using a mentor text as a model. S tandardS SLAR CCSS: RL.K.4, RL.K.5, RF.K.1.d, W.K.3, SL.K.5, L.K.1.a, L.K.5.c, L.K.6 SLAR TEKS: K.2.C.i, K.2.D.v, K.2.E, K.6.E, K.7.D, K.8.C, K.9.B, K.10.B, K.10.C, K.10.D.vii, K.10.E, K.11.A day 1 a bout the G enre : d rama Present the book and introduce the genre. If possible, make an enlarged copy of the following graphic organizer on chart paper or project it to the class. In the example below, read the narrator part and the dialogues aloud, using different voices and mimicking the actions. Then do a choral reading and identify each feature. Finally, ask two volunteers to play Ganso Garbanzo and Pedro Pollito . As you read their lines aloud, ask the two “actors” to mimic their characters’ actions. If possible, use props (for instance, a ball to represent the lemon). Ask the “audience” to applaud at the end of the play. ACTO 2 Narrador: Corre que te corre, se encontró con Ganso Garbanzo. Ganso Garbanzo: Pedro Pollito, ¿adónde vas tan tempranito? Pedro Pollito: (Dándole el limón.) ¡Mira, mira! Me ha caído el sol en la cabeza. ¡El cielo se va a caer! ¡Hay que decírselo al rey! El narrador dice lo que está pasando. El diálogo es lo que dicen los personajes. Estas instrucciones dicen lo que tienen que hacer los personajes. 13 Drama G raDe K 9