A+ Spanish Mentor Texts for Writing - PROGRAM SAMPLER

12 Lesson Plans and Activities d ay 3 (and Day 5 in the eight-day lesson plans) – Reading and Pre-writing • Use the anchor chart Hoja del género to review the genre’s characteristics. • Read the mentor text aloud, highlighting the features of the genre/text type. • Introduce and discuss the writer’s craft. • Assign the corresponding activity sheet. Students work independently and receive support and guidance from the teacher as needed. Alternatively, students may work in pairs or in small groups. d ay 4 (Day 6 in the eight-day lesson plans) – Writing • Review the genre and writer’s craft(s). • Clarify the writing prompt and assign the activity sheet Hoja de escritura . Students work independently to develop their drafts. d ay 5 (Day 7 in the eight-day lesson plans) – Revising and Editing • Review the vocabulary and language point(s). • Assign the activity sheet Hoja de revisar y editar . Students work independently to revise and edit their drafts, and produce a final version. If time allows and if appropriate for the level or class, drafts could also be reviewed by peers. d ay 6 (Day 8 in the eight-day lesson plans) – Publishing and/or Presenting • Students present or publish their work. The teaching instruction provides ideas based on the genre and/or grade level. Students’ Resources • Hoja del género This sheet, which works as a genre anchor chart, will guide students through their genre-specific writing tasks. • Hojas de actividades These activity sheets will guide students through the writing process and serve as the basis for in-class instruction. Additionally, they lay the groundwork for more extended writing tasks by providing students with plenty of structured practice in writing short answers, generating ideas for writing, and analyzing the writing process. More advanced students can use these worksheets to work independently on the different stages of the writing process, whereas less proficient students would benefit from closer teacher supervision and support. – Hoja 1 ( de vocabulario y lenguaje ) : This worksheet provides students with activities to practice the target vocabulary and language point. – Hoja 2 ( de preparación para la escritura ) : This worksheet provides students with pre-writing activities to practice the target genre and writing craft. – Hoja 3 ( de escritura ) : Studentswill use thisworksheet as a guide to write their drafts. – Hoja 4 ( de revisar y editar ) (Grades 2–5 only): Students will use this worksheet as a self- assessment tool to revise and edit their work. Assessment The lesson plans provide writing rubrics with discrete literacy domains so that teachers can adequately measure student comprehension and writing production across the various genres or text types that are covered. 4