Get Ready!

Connect to Phonics Connect to Reading Get Ready! provides systematic and explicit phonics instruction that is appropriate for teenage learners. Get Ready! includes a variety of reading genres, such as informational text, biography, narrative, poem, mystery, science fiction, and historical fiction. Culture notes encourage students to think about and celebrate their home culture and language. Get Ready! systematically covers the four language skills with strategy callouts—listening, speaking, reading, writing—plus grammar and culture. Poetry What makes a good poem? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION Poetry is a type of writing. A work of poetry is called a poem. A poem tells about experiences, ideas, or feelings. A poem is written in separate lines. Sometimes the lines rhyme. Sometimes they do not rhyme. Poems sometimes have repeated rhythm. Read. Who is the author? What is the author’s message? I have a brand-new backpack, a folder, and a pen. But as I walk the hallway, do I see a friend? So much to learn, So much to see, So many different faces. So much to ask, So much to try, So many different places. I do not know my teachers Or where my desk will be. I do not know if I like the class Or if my classmates will like me. So much to learn, So much to see, So many different faces. So much to ask, So much to try, So many different places. I stand beside the classroom. I wait there for a while. My teacher asks me to come in. I enter with a smile. READING STRATEGY Understand the author‘s message An author is a person who writes something—a story, a poem, a play, or a report. The author writes a message. A message is the idea the author wants to teach you or tell you. CULTURE NOTE What poems do you know in your home language? By J. Trujillo New Things connect to Reading 90 ninety | Unit 3 LANGUAGE & LITERACY Reading 3 Draw a place in your school. Draw some of the faces you see there. Write the names. Talk about your pictures with a classmate. What do you learn? What do you see? What do you ask? What do you try? 2 Work with two classmates. Ask and answer questions about school. 1. What do you learn? 3. What do you ask? 2. What do you see? 4. What do you try? 1 The author says: 1. So much to . 4. So much to . 2. So much to . 5. So many different . 3. So much to . 6. So many different . Communicate The author’s message is about new people and places. Talk with a classmate. • Who do you know? • The last line of the poem says “I enter with a smile.” Do you enter the classroom with a smile? • What new school supplies do you have? • What things at school are new for you? • What places are different for you? Unit 3 | ninety-one 91 LANGUAGE & LITERACY 1 Listen. What is the beginning sound? Point to the letter. 2 Listen. What is the middle sound? Point to the letter. 3 Listen. What is the ending sound? Point to the letter. Consonants: b, n, k, v, w, j Listen to the letter sounds. Listen to the words. Repeat. What are the sounds that letters represent? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION boy name key B b N n K k Middle Ending table sunny turkey oval flower injury tub can park vote water V v W w June J j b n k v w j b n k v w j b n k v w j abc connect to Phonics Tutorials 88 eighty-eight | Unit 3 LANGUAGE & LITERACY 2 Listen. Point to the word you hear. Phonics pattern: c-v-c If a word or syllable has only one vowel and it comes between two consonants, the vowel is usually short. These are called CVC words (consonant-vowel-consonant). 1 Say these words aloud. Focus on the short e sound. 3 Say each word. Focus on the beginning letter. 4 Decode. Listen and repeat. • A test is an exam. You use a pencil. • The name of the boy is Ben. Short vowel: e Listen to the letter sound. Listen to the words. Repeat. Communicate Review the letters and sounds. Then work with a classmate. Look around the room. Say words with b, n, k, v, w, j, and short e. exam test pencil E e ten hen web net bell men get red bed let egg end boy name key vote water June exam test pencil boy name key vote water June exam test pencil • I vote for prom king. • In June, I jump in the water. a backpack a wastebasket Unit 3 | eighty-nine 89 LANGUAGE & LITERACY 8 WALK-THROUGH Get Ready! 9–12