Get Ready!

The Get Ready! program and learning tools equip students with essential language and literacy skills, along with academic vocabulary development across diverse content areas. What to expect from Get Ready! • A comprehensive standards-based program developed to address the specific needs and learning styles of Newcomers • P edagogy tied to current standards and research • A rich curriculum that teaches basic communicative language as well as academic content and language (ELA, math, science, social studies, the arts, music, etc.) • A strong technology component with a personalized learning tool that targets instruction and better prepares students to participate in class and to transition to the next proficiency level • E ngaging multimedia: dramatic presentational and authentic videos, tutorials, audio recordings, and more Program Components: • S tudent Book • P ractice Book • T eacher Edition • A ssessment Program • PRIME—the only online learning environment created specifically for language and literacy • G et Reading! Leveled Readers with Teacher Guide (see page 22 for more details!) Get Ready! adheres to the following standards: • C CSS (ELA and Math) • N GSS (Science) • N CSS (Social Studies) • W IDA (National and International ELL) • C A ELD, TX ELPS, CEFR, ELT, and more 3