Get Ready!

Science Social Studies Math Electives Writing Project Media pages 324–327 Food webs • talk about how living things are connected READING STRATEGY: Cause and effect Science skill: Create models pages 328–331 Economics • discuss economics and money READING STRATEGY: Connect to real life Social studies skill: Financial literacy pages 332–335 Modeling • use algebra in everyday situations READING STRATEGY: Represent the situation pages 336–337 Business • identify what you learn in business class pages 338–339 A description WRITING STRATEGY: Organize by paragraph page 340 A fashion show page 340 Amistad VIEWING STRATEGY: Listen for the gist pages 362–365 Body systems • talk about how body systems work together READING STRATEGY: Say it aloud Science skill: Communicate pages 366–369 The United States federal government • describe the organization of the US government READING STRATEGY: Monitor and clarify Social studies skill: Generalize pages 370–373 Statistics • use statistics to make an argument READING STRATEGY: Analyze a person's reasoning pages 374–375 Drama • discuss drama at your school pages 376–377 Point of view WRITING STRATEGY: Give examples page 378 The pros and cons page 378 Right Footed VIEWING STRATEGY: Think critically GLOSSARY page 379 CREDITS page 388 INDEX page 393 21 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Get Ready! 9–12