Science Social Studies Math Electives Writing Project Media pages 172–175 Weather • discuss weather and climate READING STRATEGY: Restate it Science skill: Predict pages 176–179 We come from all over the world • identify reasons people move from their country READING STRATEGY: Activate prior knowledge Social studies skill: Understand why pages 180–183 Data and graphs • use math tools READING STRATEGY: Reading a graph pages 184–185 Journalism • define journalism pages 186–187 An email WRITING STRATEGY: Know your audience page 188 Report the news page 188 Idiot With a Tripod VIEWING STRATEGY: Infer meaning pages 210–213 Inheritance • explain why family members look alike READING STRATEGY: Annotate Science skill: Explain pages 214–217 Ancient history • describe how the past influences today READING STRATEGY: Monitor comprehension Social studies skill: The past influences the present pages 218–221 Fractions • talk about fractions READING STRATEGY: Reading fractions pages 222–223 World languages • talk about the importance of world languages pages 224–225 A description WRITING STRATEGY: Give details page 226 Interview page 226 One Small Step VIEWING STRATEGY: Watch for feeling 17 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Get Ready! 9–12