Get Ready!

connect to Language Language in Action Phonics Reading Grammar UNIT 5 MY CLASS SCHEDULE page 151 pages 152–155 I have a busy schedule! • talk about the school day • identify the days of the week and the months of the year LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for what the speaker emphasizes READING: School Attendance: A Step to Success READING STRATEGY: Set a purpose for reading pages 156–159 Brrr… It’s cold! • describe the weather LISTENING STRATEGY: Ask for clarification READING: Weather Days READING STRATEGY: Fluency pages 160–161 • initial consonant blends pages 162–165 Expository text READING: Warm US Cities See Snowy Weather READING STRATEGY: Main idea and details pages 166–171 • capitalization • the verb be: the forms is and was • the preposition on + days and dates • the preposition in + months and seasons LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for the verb form READING: The 5-Day Weather Forecast for Boston, Massachusetts READING STRATEGY: Read an infographic UNIT 6 MY FAMILY page 189 pages 190–193 All families are different • talk about family LISTENING STRATEGY: Set a purpose for listening READING: FAST FACTS: Barack Hussein Obama II READING STRATEGY: Reread to clarify pages 194–197 When is your birthday? • talk about birthdays • say your age • describe people LISTENING STRATEGY: Preview and listen for missing information READING: Birthday Celebrations Around the World READING STRATEGY: Use visual support pages 198–199 • final consonant blends • consonant clusters pages 200–203 Historical fiction READING: from The Kite Fighters READING STRATEGY: Summarize pages 204–209 • dates • adjectives • possessive adjectives • possessive of nouns LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for specific details READING: Hairs READING STRATEGY: Activate your senses 16 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Get Ready! 9–12