Get Ready!

Science Social Studies Math Electives Writing Project Media pages 98–101 Engineering design • discuss how objects are designed READING STRATEGY: Think of examples Engineering skill: Test designs pages 102–105 A community • describe my community READING STRATEGY: Use prior knowledge Social studies skill: Read signs and symbols pages 106–109 Place value • talk about the structure of math READING STRATEGY: Look for structure pages 110–111 Art • talk about and define art pages 112–113 A poem about your classroom WRITING STRATEGY: Brainstorm page 114 A video about your backpack page 114 Underwater Dreams VIEWING STRATEGY: Respond to media pages 134–137 Earth’s history • identify clues about Earth’s history READING STRATEGY: Read the captions Science skill: Use evidence pages 138–141 World geography • define geography READING STRATEGY: Use visual and contextual support Social studies skill: Five themes of geography pages 142–145 Measurement • discuss measurement and precision READING STRATEGY: Look for quantities pages 146–147 P.E. • describe physical activities pages 148–149 A science fiction story WRITING STRATEGY: Write details page 150 Present your school day page 150 What is “time”? VIEWING STRATEGY: Use prior knowledge 15 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Get Ready! 9–12