connect to Language Language in Action Phonics Reading Grammar UNIT 3 IN THE CLASSROOM page 79 pages 80–83 Do you have a piece of paper? • identify classroom objects • ask for help LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for specific information READING: Marcos READING STRATEGY: Visualize pages 84–87 Can you help me? • say what I have • say what I need LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for specific information READING: An Ad for School Supplies READING STRATEGY: Identify the main idea pages 88–89 • consonants: b, n, k, v, w, j • short vowel: e pages 90–91 Poetry READING: New Things READING STRATEGY: Understand the author’s message pages 92–97 • the verb have • questions and answers with have • plural nouns • more plural nouns LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for noun forms READING: Plants READING STRATEGY: Retell UNIT 4 MY DAY page 115 pages 116–119 How many are there? • identify numbers to 100 LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for specific information READING: The Survey Says... READING STRATEGY: Draw a conclusion pages 120–123 What time is it? • ask for and give the time • talk about activities LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for specific information READING: A Meeting With Mr. Clark READING STRATEGY: Summarize pages 124–125 • consonants: p, y, x, q, z • review: short vowels: a, e, i, o, u pages 126–127 Science fiction READING: The Space Librarian READING STRATEGY: Identify sequence pages 128–133 • there is and there are • verbs (with I, you, he, she, it) • telling time (part 1) • telling time (part 2) LISTENING STRATEGY: Listen for key words READING: She Takes the Bus READING STRATEGY: Visualize 14 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Get Ready! 9–12