Get Ready!

Science Social Studies Math Electives Writing Project Media pages 26–29 Introduction to science • talk about when I see and use science READING STRATEGY: Look for important words Science skill: Compare and contrast pages 30–33 Introduction to social studies • identify the areas of social studies READING STRATEGY: Activate prior knowledge Social studies skill: Compare and contrast pages 34–37 Introduction to mathematics • talk about when I see and use mathematics READING STRATEGY: Use headings pages 38–39 Introduction to electives • discuss elective classes pages 40–41 A story about school WRITING STRATEGY: Think about what you know page 42 An online post page 42 Back to School Song VIEWING STRATEGY: Visual thinking pages 62–65 Earth and the universe • identify objects in the universe READING STRATEGY: Use diagrams Science skill: Gather data pages 66–69 Citizenship and civic ideals • describe a good citizen READING STRATEGY: Use prior knowledge Social studies skill: Primary sources pages 70–73 Math operations • make sense of mathematics READING STRATEGY: Make sense of the problem pages 74–75 Music • talk about music in your school pages 76–77 An informational text about your school WRITING STRATEGY: Take notes page 78 An ad for your school page 78 Hubble: Galaxies Across Space and Time VIEWING STRATEGY: Make a prediction 13 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE Get Ready! 9–12