Get Ready!

Connect to Writing Get Ready! instructs students how to write with a variety of writing styles, such as stories, poems, informational texts, and biographies. Writing strategies present a student model, and the process writing steps guide students through completing and presenting a writing assignment. Grammar Languages Language Arts Math Science Social Studies Electives Writing A poem about your classroom Remember: A poem tells about experiences, ideas, or feelings. It is written in separate lines. Write a poem about your classroom experience. First, brainstorm ideas with a classmate. When you write your poem, you can use the outline below. Why do people write poems? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION connect to Writing WRITING STRATEGY Brainstorm Work with classmates to think of many ideas. Then choose the ones you want to use. Title: By I am I see I hear I am I am I have I need I am I am I ask: You say: I am I Am Anita Anita Ramos Anita, from Honduras. desks and chairs, a door and windows. boys and girls and clocks and a TV. Anita, from Honduras. Anita, a student. a backpack with school supplies. to borrow a tablet. Anita, a student. Anita, in California. Can you help me? Of course! Anita, in California. 112 one hundred twelve | Unit 3 PUT IT ALL TOGETHER Present your poem to the class. Show the pictures. Speak clearly. Use your voice to show your feelings. Use gestures. Plan Look at your ideas and your pictures. Write a draft of your poem. A draft is not perfect. Put your ideas in separate lines. Plan your poem. Choose the ideas you want to use from your brainstorming. Visualize your poem by drawing diagrams or pictures. Reread your draft. Look at the Checklist. Make changes. Ask a classmate or your teacher for help. Rewrite your poem. Add pictures or photos. Draft Revise Present Checklist  Does my poem tell my experiences?  Do I use words to create images?  Is the spelling correct?  Is the capitalization and punctuation correct?  Do I spell plural nouns correctly?  Do I use the verb have correctly? No problem! Can you help me? Unit 3 | one hundred thirteen 113 PUT IT ALL TOGETHER Project and Connect to Media Projects provide ELs with an experiential way to synthesize unit learning in concrete, creative, and engaging ways! • Projects are linguistically and developmentally appropriate. • Projects provide a place for portable terms to be included in context and in relevant ways. • Projects build on funds of knowledge and promote cultural learning and response. Connect to Media provides students with access to authentic, award-winning short films. Students learn how to view media through a critical lens. A video about your backpack Work with a classmate. Plan and film videos called “This is my backpack.” In your video, you: • Give your name. Say where you are from. • Give the name of your school. • Show what’s in your backpack. • Say what you have and what you need. Present your videos to the class. Give an Oscar award for “Best Video.” Project Project How is a video about your backpack different from a written paragraph? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION Underwater Dreams VIEWING STRATEGY Respond to media How does the video connect to what you know? What does it teach you? What questions do you have about it? Why is it important to have goals and dreams? ? ESSENTIAL QUESTION Project connect to Media Watch the video. Then answer the questions. Share your answers with the class. 1. Who do you see? 2. Where are they from? 3. What do they want to do? 4. What dreams do the other students have? 5. What dreams do you have? Media 114 one hundred fourteen | Unit 3 PUT IT ALL TOGETHER 11 WALK-THROUGH Get Ready! 9–12